MTA Institute is committed to ensuring an open and fair process is adopted throughout all stages of the appeals process. This means that our appeals process will be conducted in a fair, reasonable, unbiased and timely manner, with the aim of reaching a favourable outcome for all parties concerned.

MTA Institute’s Appeals Process

  1. Appeals must be lodged within ten (10 working days of a decision or finding being informed to the person.
  2. On receipt of an appeal, a response via written acknowledgement will be actioned as soon as possible and not later than 24 hours from the time the appeal is received.
  3. The handling of an appeal will commence withing seven (7) working days of the lodgement of the appeal and all reasonable measures are taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable.
  4. The appellant is to be provided a written response to the appeal, including details of the reason for the outcome. A written response must be provided to the appellant within fourteen (14) working days of the lodgement of the appeal.
  5. Appeals will be resolved to a final outcome within sixty (60) calendar days of the appeal being initially received. Where MTA Institute’s General Manager considers that more than 60 calendar days are required to process and finalise the appeal, the General Manager will inform the appellant in writing, including reasons why more that 60 calendar days are required.

For further information please read the MTA Institute’s  Appeals Policy & Procedure.

Please email your appeal to [email protected]


  • Your name
  • Detailed outline of your complaint
  • Explain why you would like MTA Institute to change its decision